The Mangrove Tree

Proud Stockist and Victorian distributor of Plant Tiles

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Dicondra Repens

Dichondra Repens is a beautiful and hardy ground cover that can transform your garden into a low-maintenance paradise. With a dense thatch of lily pad leaves and stems, this Australian native is perfect for creating a lush and green carpet that you can walk on. Its height varies between 5 and 100 mm depending on the environment, and it's not affected by frost or other harsh conditions. If you're looking for a lawn alternative that is both practical and beautiful, choose Dichondra Repens and enjoy a hassle-free garden!

Zoysia Tenuifolia “No mow Grass”

Zoysia tenuifolia is the optimal ground cover for those seeking a no mow lawn. Growing only 10-15cm in height, this plant tile is perfect for use as a low growing ground cover between pavers and steps or around pools. Not only is it durable enough to stand up to daily wear, but it's also soft on bare feet. This versatile ground cover is the ultimate choice for creating a low maintenance, beautiful lawn.

If you're looking for a unique addition to your garden or landscaping project, consider Zoysia tenuifolia. This versatile plant thrives in full sun to semi-shade and develops a distinct clumping appearance that adds visual interest to any space. Its fine, bright green leaf requires minimal maintenance - simply mow once a year if you prefer a neat lawn look. With its great versatility and durability, this plant is a must-have for any outdoor enthusiast.

Viola Hederacea “The Native Violet”

Viola hederacea is a stunning option for ground cover. With its beautiful purple and white flowers and dark green leaves, it can thrive in both full sun and shadier, damp areas. Tolerating light traffic and growing to a height of 15-20cm, it is a perfect alternative to traditional grass lawns making it a popular choice for low-maintenance landscaping.

Viola hederacea plant tiles are a great addition to any garden or hardscape. These beautiful plants are perfect for brightening up shady, damp areas, and they can even be used as a living mulch in garden beds. Plant them at the top of a retaining wall and let the flowers cascade down, or use them to soften the hardscape of stones.

Add this beautiful plant to your terrace or garden today! The possibilities are endless!

Pratia Pedunculata

“Pratia White Star Creeper”

Looking for a dainty ground cover that's both beautiful and practical? Look no further than Pratia pedunculata. This frost-hardy Australian native offers a carpet of green with a profusion of starry flowers throughout most of the year. Plus, it grows only 2-4cm high and can handle light foot traffic. Perfect for planting between pavers, this ground cover loves full sun or partial shade and plenty of water. Order today and create a stunning green landscape!

Lobelia Angulata

“Lobelia White Star Creeper”

Are you after an attractive and durable ground cover for your part shaded outdoor areas? Lobelia angulata plant tiles is what you want. With its evergreen foliage and profusion of white flowers, this plant forms a dense low growing carpet that's perfect for cascading over rockeries or between paving stones. Growing to a height of up to 15cm with a robust nature that can handle light to medium traffic with ease, it's the ideal choice for any outdoor space.

Experience the beauty of Lobelia angulata, a dense and robust plant that is not only frost and wind resistant but will thrive in part shade. This beautiful plant requires medium watering and adds vibrant color to any garden or landscape. Order yours today, and enjoy the low maintenance and high rewards of this stunning plant.

Thymus Serpyllum Magic Carpet

“Dwarf Thyme”

Add some magic to your rock garden or patio with Thymus serpyllum "Magic Carpet”

This plant tile grows to be around 5cm in height and features beautiful mauve-coloured flowers. It thrives in full sun and well-drained soil, making it an ideal choice for dry and hot climates. The pretty flowers of this tile attract honey-bees and butterflies and can even be eaten. Use it to replace your traditional grass lawn, or create a striking checkerboard pattern between pavers.

Mentha Requienii “Corsican Mint”

Mentha requienii, also known as Corsican mint, is a low-growing mint plant that is perfect for ground cover in temperate climates. This unique plant is shade tolerant and grows to a height of only 5cm. If you plant it between pavers or stones, the gentle scent of mint is released when walked on, making it a sensory delight.

It can also be used as a living mulch alternative, or to upholster living furniture and sculptures.